Victoria Beckham Offers Shocked Response Over Grandmother Question

Victoria Beckham had a very spicy reaction when she was confronted with the prospect of becoming a grandmother during a recent Vogue interview.
The former “Spice Girls” pop star sat down Friday with ‘The Run Through’ co-host Chloe Malle and was totally gob-smacked when she was hit with the “Gramma” question from the Vogue contributing editor.
Here’s how it unfolded … Halfway through their chat, Malle brought up Victoria’s son, Brooklyn, and his 2022 marriage to wife Nicola Peltz.
Malle asked Victoria if she had any relationship advice for the young couple who has no children … yet. Victoria replied that she’ll always offer them support, but she’s not down with giving advice.
Then Malle smacked Victoria — AKA “Posh Spice” — right across the face with the geriatric stuff, asking, “Are you excited to be a grandmother?”
Check out the video … Victoria was absolutely floored by the suggestion Brooklyn was having a baby with Nicola — and she delivered an extremely animated response, “Oh. Jesus. What? Woo. Hang on.”
The fashion designer even used her hand to fan her face before turning to the audience and insisting, “I don’t think it’s happening just yet unless you guys know something I don’t.”
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