Sarah Palin's Daughter, Bristol, Defends Arming Herself Against Stalkers

TMZ Studios
Sarah Palin‘s eldest daughter, Bristol Palin, has been hounded by stalkers for years — and after little help from the criminal justice system … she’s taken matters into her own hands.
We talked to Bristol for a new documentary airing Monday at 9 PM ET/8 Central on FOX — delving into the horrors of famous people who’ve had to battle obsessed fans … to the point their lives have been put at risk, including BP here — whose history with this is well-documented.
The incidents for Bristol date back to the mid-2010s … and they were all harrowing.
In the years since, Bristol hasn’t shied away from the fact that she exercises her 2nd Amendment right to bear arms — something she touches on here in our sit-down with her.
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