Judge Mathis' Valet Will Have Shirt DNA Tested for Alleged Spit Attack

Judge Mathis‘ altercation with a valet just got a spittle more interesting — the man claiming he was spat upon by the judge believes DNA will crack the case.
Mathis strongly denies spitting on the valet, who kept the TV judge waiting — he says for 40 minutes as the valet ran errands with the Judge’s Rolls Royce keys in his pocket — but the valet’s lawyer, Karri Mitchell, tells us the loogies are going to the lab.
Mitchell claims Mathis didn’t just spit in his client’s face — he also launched some saliva on the valet’s shirt with separate spit. Even worse, the lawyer alleges Mathis walked over to some people nearby and bragged about what he had just done.
The lawyer says there are at least 2 witnesses who can back up the valet’s story. The valet filed a police report for assault and Detroit detectives are investigating.
Mathis tells us he has at least 6 witnesses who can back up his account … that he had words with the valet but it was a liquid-free schooling.
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