Ariana Grande Sued Over Allegedly Ripping Off '7 Rings'

Ariana Grande straight-up ripped off the lyrics and melody to “7 Rings” — so claims a songwriter who says he recorded basically the same song 2 years earlier.
Josh Stone claims in a new lawsuit — obtained by TMZ — he wrote a song called “You Need It, I Got It” in January 2017 … 2 years BEFORE Ariana recorded “7 Rings.”
Stone — who goes by Dot — notes in his suit, the hook to Ariana’s song is, “I want it, I got it, I want it, I got it.” His hook is, “You need it, I got it. You want it, I got it.”
He also says the 2 songs have identical metrical placement of the paired phrases.
Stone says he took meetings with music industry execs and producers, including honchos from Universal Music Group … the same company that published “7 Rings.” Stone says he had a meeting in 2017 with Tommy Brown, who worked with Ariana on each of her 5 studio albums. Stone says Brown was interested in the song and said he liked it a lot.
Stone wants profits from “7 Rings” and an order from a judge prohibiting “7 Rings” from seeing daylight.
A source connected to Ariana tells TMZ, ‘7 Rings’ also has the same hook as ‘The Sound of Music’ so Stone’s claims are ridiculous … however, it appears Stone’s referring to a different part of the song.
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